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ZP4All Kick-Off Meeting: A Collaborative Journey for Sustainable Coastal Ecosystems

The inaugural day of the kick-off meeting for the ZP4All project marks the beginning of a collaborative journey among European partners, as they gather in Alimos, Attica, Greece, from May 26th to 29th.

Hosted by the RTIS Network, this event is a pivotal moment in the project's lifecycle, as it sets the stage for the development and implementation of innovative solutions to address the pressing environmental issues affecting coastal ecosystems.

As an Erasmus+ KA210 program, ZP4All is committed to empowering vocational education and training (VET) students and educators to become champions of sustainable coastal management practices. To achieve this goal, the project is designing a comprehensive set of awareness tools, tailored to the specific needs of VET students and educators, with the aim of promoting a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of human activities and coastal ecosystem health.

Through this initiative, ZP4All seeks to foster a shared vision for a cleaner and more sustainable future for our coastal environments, and we are excited to see the impact it will have on the next generation of VET students and educators, as they acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to drive positive change in their communities.


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